Cucumbers Eggplants Herbs Melons Peppers Squash/Zucchini Tomatoes Other Veggies Succulents Annuals

I just ADORE Summer Squash and Zucchinis! Nutritional Powerhouses, they can be used in so very many yummy ways! To me, summer is just not summer unless I am harvesting and eating copious amounts of them! Just remember to pick them before they get too large, although the Yellow Zucchini and Zucchini Rampicante (Tromboncino) which are my two FAVES can get quite large and still maintain their tenderness and awesome creamy flavor.
Didja know their blossoms are edible and delicious too??!
Many of the varieties are more bush-type and won’t take up as much room; I plant mine near the edges of my raised beds and allow them to drape down and creep around the edge so they don’t smother and take over their less enthusiastic bedfellows! I also freeze my leftover zucchini whole in ziploc bags and they hold wonderfully well for use in roasted veggie medleys, stir fry’s, zucchini parms, etc!!!
Squash ‘Desi’

New in 2024
Picture Squash Desi with Zucchini Black Beauty
Squash ‘Early Prolific Straightneck’

(50 days)— This summer squash was an AAS winner in 1938 whose name sez it all!!! She produces lemon yellow tasty fruits in abundance.
Zucchini ‘Black Beauty’

New in 2024
Here is my plant grown in a raised container bed off of our patio. (I keep forgetting to put this one on our site!). Very very prolific but also well behaved!
Zucchini ‘Costata Romanesco’

(50 days) This summer squash was an AAS winner in 1938 whose name sez it all!!! She produces lemon yellow tasty fruits in abundance. Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.
Zucchini ‘Fordhook’
(58 days) Another classic Zuke that freezes well and has a bush habit. An AAS winner in 1942!

New in 2024
Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.
Zucchini ‘Golden’

(55 days )
I do believe that this one is my favorite zucchini…..it has long, slender, beautiful bright golden fruits in abundance on a smaller, compact plant…..mine were always yummy! Great in a mix with green or round ones!

Zucchini ‘Gray’
(50 days) Stockier than the traditional green zucchinis and also called a Mexican Zucchini, this one produces quickly and copiously on bush plants.

New in 2024
Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.
Zucchini ‘Green Bush’

(55 days )—-One of my faves, this one produces deep green zucchini on bush type plants; PERFECT for large containers and small gardens! Photo from customer Nicole.
Zucchini ‘Long White Palermo’
(50 days) An Italian Zucchini, this one is known for her creamy buttery texture and taste and gets about 12-15” long. It is said that white zucchini has a nuttier and more flavorful taste and is less watery. A bush type plant also!

New in 2024
Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.
Zucchini ‘Lungo Bianco’

Bush-Like Various (60 days)a bush type zucchini that won’t take nearly the amount of space, this one has mild and sweet light green fruits! Photo courtesy Baker Creek.
Zuccini Rampicante

(AKA Tromboncino)
(70 days )This is one AWESOME CREATURE! Grown as a summer squash, this behemoth is Da Bomb, with very few seeds and a sweeter, creamier taste than regular zucchini. It is also so maaaaahvelous and bizarre looking and needs some room as it gets quite big.

The long “neck” is seedless and isn’t watery like zucchini can be, and it just keeps producing until a hard freeze. This is my new FAVORITE! They also seem to be very resistant to borers and powdery mildew. A definite “Gotta-Have”!
Zucchini ‘Striate d’ Italia’

Vining Various (50 days ) A very early Italian zucchini that got great reviews! It produces 8-9” striped light and dark green fruits that are adored in Italy.