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Pepper ‘Aji Cachucha’Pepper ‘Ajvarski’Pepper ‘Arroz’
Pepper ‘Con Pollo’Pepper ‘Cayenne Long Thin’Pepper ‘Cubanelle
Pepper ‘Giant Aconcagua’Pepper ‘Goccia d’Oro’Pepper ‘Lilac Bell’
Pepper ‘Lumbre’Pepper ‘Mojo Blackie’Pepper ‘Mojo Scoundrel’
Pepper ‘Pale Rider’Pepper ‘Rattlesnake’Pepper ‘Sheepnose Pimento’
Pepper ‘Sweet Moruga’Pepper ‘Zulu’
I’ve really expended my list of Heirloom peppers (I guess I can be a WEE bit obsessive!) There’s something for everyone; from the hottest hotties to the gentlest sweeties! All the peppers do FABULOUS in containers, and most of them do double duty as both useful and beautiful. Go ahead, ya know ya wanna try a bunch…!

To Help you navigate through our selection, click on the letter below to move quickly to Peppers which begin with that letter.

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Pepper ‘Aji Cachucha’

Pepper Aji Cachucha

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds

Pepper ‘Ajvarski’

Pepper Ajvarski

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds

Pepper ‘Ancho Giagantica’ (Poblano)

24″ ht (85-90 days) – ($5.95) This southwestern heirloom is used for stuffing when fresh and green (called Poblano) or sauces when red and dried (called Ancho). Perfect for Chile rellenos and mole; somewhat sweet but with a bite (about 500-1000 Scovilles!).

Pepper ‘Arroz Con Pollo’

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds

Pepper ‘Banana Hot’

24”ht (75 days)- ($5.95). This hot Hungarian Wax pepper burns in at about 4-5000 Scovilles and is very productive!

Pepper ‘Banana Sweet’

Banana Sweet (Left) and Red Belgian

24 ” ht (78 days) – ($5.95) A 6-7” long sweetie that is perfect pickled, stuffed, or fresh….yum!

Pepper ‘Biquino’

Pepper Biquino #2

24″ ht. (75 days) – ($5.95) These peppers from Brazil are absolute cuties! The name means “little beak”, and they produce gobs and gobs of bright red and glowing yellow spicy peppers with beaks! I thought they were delicious with just the right amount of heat (about 1000 Scoville Units). They are traditionally pickled, but are so adorable make great ornamentals in a pot also!

Pepper ‘Black Hungarian’

30″ ht (75-80 days) – ($5.95) This gorgeous heirloom produces lots of shiny black fruits that look like Jalapenos; foliage is also ornamental with purple veining. Spicy but not hot with a yummy flavor! Perfect for containers, and ya know I’m gonna have one in a pot for you to envy!

Pepper ‘Blot’

24”ht (75 days)- ($5.95) Thick walled, crunchy, juicy and VERY sweet, this Eastern European bell pepper is as beautiful as a sunset (Contrary Mary’s FAVORITE time of day!) I think this is my FAVORITE pepper! I highly highly highly recommend it…..I can’t always get seeds, so try it while you can!!! It would be CRIMINAL not to!

Pepper ‘Buena Mulata’

Pepper Buena Mulata

24″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) A HOT beauty with complex flavors! This rare pepper changes from purple to pink to yellow to orange and finally ends up red; she is gorgeous AND yummy! Great for salsas and Caribbean cooking, and benefits the Dr. William Weaver’s seed saving work in the Roughwood Collection. VERY LIMITED!

Pepper ‘Bulgarian Carrot’ (AKA Shipkas)

Picture Pepper Maule's Red Hot (top) and Bulgarian Carrot (my pic)

18″ ht (70 days) – ($5.95) This oddity was smuggled out through the Iron Curtain (yes I love these Heirloom adventure stories!) and bears clusters of 3 ½” fluorescent orange hot and fruity peppers in copious amounts. I’ve seen the Scoville rating anywhere from 5,000 to 30,000, so your guess is as good as mine; all I know is that they are AWESOME in chutneys, salsas, or roasted (and absolutely adorable too!) Pepper Maule’s Red Hot on top of plate.

Pepper ‘Bull Nose’

Pepper Bull Nose

24-30″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) This Heirloom from India was grown by Thomas Jefferson and produces lots of big bell shaped fruits that are sweet with a little kick and are great stuffed, pickled or fresh!

Pepper ‘Buran’

Pepper Buran #2 (my pic)

24″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) This Polish Heirloom is extremely productive and very sweet, whether picked green or red! Makes adorable 4” x 3” peppers that are great stuffed or fresh.

Pepper ‘Calico’

24”ht (75 days)- ($5.95). A WICKED hot (50-70000 Scovilles) and very ornamental pepper. I grow this one for its outstanding variegated foliage!

Pepper ‘Canary Bell’

Pepper Canary Bell

24″ ht (70 days) – ($5.95) A pretty sweet bell that ripens to bright canary bird yellow….very thick walls and crisp and produces early and often! Has great resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus also.

Pepper ‘Cayenne Long Thin’

Pepper Cayenne Long Thin courtesy Baker Creek

New in 2024

Pepper ‘Chaotic Jester’

Pepper Chaotic Jester (courtesy Heritage Seed Market)

Sorry, Not Available in 2023

(85 days) – ($5.95) This beauty is one HHHHHOT Mama, so try her at your peril! I myself will just grow her for her gorgeous, near black stems and deep purple to yellow to fire engine red lantern shaped fruits. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!!!

Pepper ‘Chiltepin’

Pepper Chiltepin (courtesy Baker Creek)

24”ht- (75 days)-($5.95) A wild and very hot pepper from the American Southwest that is small but mighty (40x hotter than a Jalapeño….whewwwww!!!) Photo courtesy Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Chinese Five Color’

Pepper Chinese 5

24″ ht (78 days) – ($5.95) This VERY hot pepper has been described as looking like “bright Christmas tree lights”….delish AND ornamental! It forms an attractive, bushy plant, with the peppers turning an array of colors from purple, yellow, cream, orange and red. EXCELLENT for salsa! Top Photo courtesy customer Bill B.

Pepper Chinese 5 Color 2

Pepper ‘Chocolate Beauty Bell’

Pepper Chocolate Beauty Bell

30″ ht. (70 days) – ($5.95) A crunchy, sweet, large bell pepper that becomes sweeter when fully ripe (a yummy chocolatey brown color)! Be patient cuz it’s worth it!

Pepper ‘Chocolate Habanero’

24″ ht (90 days) – ($5.95) We grew this one a couple of years ago and it is one of Contrary Charlie’s faves! It is an EXTREMELY productive producer of smokin’ hot (300,000 Scovilles!!!) beautiful chocolate brown 2” peppers. Use carefully! Photo courtesy Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Cubanelle’

Pepper Cubanelle

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds


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Pepper ‘Datil’

Pepper Datil

24″ ht (100 days) – ($5.95) A VERY hot habanero relative (chinense species) probably introduced from the Caribbean Islands to St. Augustine Florida. Produces 3½” that ripen to a bright orange-yellow; smokin’ hot like the habaneros but more complex and fruity. Probably around 350,000 Scovilles….WHEW

Pepper ‘Diamond Bell’

Pepper Diamond Bell #2 (my pic)

24″ ht (75 days) – ($5.95) This is one showy and unusual bell pepper cuz she starts WHITE, then turns to a very pale yellow when fully mature!!! Crunchy, sweet, productive, and enhances your Bell pepper color palette!

Pepper ‘Doux D’Espagne’

Pepper Doux D'Espagne (courtesy Baker Creek)

(75 days) – ($5.95) This Spanish MAMMOTH sweet pepper produces 6-7” long cone shaped fruit in abundance! Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Etuida’

Pepper Etuida (my pic)

30″ ht (75 days) – ($5.95) Baker Creek describes this one as “one of the best peppers we ever tasted”! A honkin’ big, sweet, juicy, blocky, Polish bell pepper can reach up to a half a pound! Turns a gorgeous tangerine orange.

Pepper ‘Fish’

24″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) This beauty is an African American heirloom (prior to the 1870’s) that makes an OUTSTANDING ornamental due to its gorgeous foliage and fruit! The foliage is variegated green and white, and the 2-3” slightly curved fruit ranges in color from cream with green stripes to orange with brown stripes to glowing red. Perfect for containers and is traditionally used in Chesapeake Bay to flavor fish dishes or in chutneys served with crab cakes (double yum!) Medium to pretty hot!

Pepper ‘Florina’

Pepper Florina

24″ ht. (70 days) – ($5.95) My friend Jim brought these pepper seeds back with him from Greece last year, and I forgot to add her to my website! Really crunchy, sweet peppers that are reminiscent of ‘Melrose’, these turn a brilliant scarlet red when fully ripe. Grew her in my veg trug in 2019 and REALLY enjoyed her both fresh and cooked!


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Pepper ‘Georgia Flame’

Pepper Georgia Flam

24″ ht (90 days) – ($5.95) An heirloom from the Republic of Georgia that produces tons of 6-8” long crunchy peppers that are perfect for salsa — hot but not overwhelming.

Pepper ‘Giant Aconcagua’

Pepper Giant Aconcagua

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds

Pepper ‘Goccia d’Oro’

Pepper Goccia d’Oro

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Bunny Hop Seeds

Pepper ‘Grandpa’s Home’

Pepper Grandpa's Home

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

24″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) This is a hot pepper that originated in Siberia, so it is great to overwinter indoors as it sets fruit even under low light! Produces pretty hot (reviews range from hot to super hot) 2” bright red peppers that grow upright. Super high yielder too!

Pepper ‘Habanada’

Pepper Habanada

24”ht (85 days)- ($5.95) This is a SWEET Habanero for those who like the flavor but not the heat! Starts off a translucent yellow and ripens to a glowing orange. Takes a while but worth the wait as the fruity flavor shines thru without the heat!


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Pepper ‘Jalapeno Craig’s Grande’

Pepper Jalapeño Craig’s Grande

30″ ht (75 – 80 days) – ($5.95) These ones produce BIG honkin’ Jalapenos…. Perfect for stuffing and grilling!

Pepper ‘Jalapeno Early Jalapeno’

Pepper Early Jalapeño

Compact (60-65 days) – ($5.95) This one produces 3 ½” x 1 ½” sausage shaped fruits in abundance. 10-15 days earlier than regular Jalapenos. It starts deep green and matures to red; we had TONS of them even in 2009 with all the cool and wet weather! Very hot at 25000-30000 Scoville units!

Pepper ‘Jalapeno Lemon Spice’

Pepper Jalapeno Lemon Spice #2 (my pic)

30″ ht.. (75 days) – ($5.95) An open pollinated created Heirloom intro from New Mexico State University, this one produces BRIGHT lemony-yellow Jalapenos…..imagine this beauty in a salsa or as a yellow hot sauce!

Pepper ‘Jalaleno Nadapeno’

Pepper Nadapeno from Baker Creek

Pepper ‘Jalepeno Orange Spice’

Pepper Jalapeno Orange Spice (my pic)

30″ ht. (75 days) – ($5.95) Another created New Mex Heirloom; pair her with her sister Lemon Spice for a knockout visual feast for your eyes (and tummy too!). Takes a wee bit of time to color up, but well worth the wait!

Pepper ‘Jalepeno Zapotec’

30” (75 days) $5.95  An ancient Heirloom from Mexico, it is hotter than most Jalapeños. A great mix with Orange and Lemon Spice for a range of heat and colors! Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Jigsaw’

Pepper Jigsaw

Sorry, Not Available in 2023

30″ ht. (80 days) – ($5.95) This is one GORGEOUS pepper!!! Stunning in flower beds and containers, this lovely dame has her fancy dress on! Tie-dye multi -color foliage compliments orange, striped, and red fruits with heat like a Jalapeno. VAVOOM! Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Jimmy Nardello Italian’

Picture: Pepper Jimmy Nardello Italian

4-30″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) O.K., get ready for a WAY cool Heirloom story… 1897 the Nardello family set sail from Ruoti, Italy to America with some great pepper seeds. They then settled in Naugatuck, Connecticut and continued to grow these peppers that they eventually named for their fourth son Jimmy (wonder why him???) It is a long (10”) thin skinned frying pepper that is so very rich in taste it was placed in ‘The Ark of Taste’ by the Slow Food Organization. Dries very easily and ripens to a rich red. Keep the great tradition going (or should I say “growing”??!) (Photo courtesy customer Tim – thanks!)

Pepper ‘King of the North’

28″ ht (65-70 days) – ($5.95) We grew this Sweet bell pepper in 2009 and it was AWESOME! It bears huge (6” x 4”) blocky green peppers maturing to red. Excellent for short season areas like ours; VERY prolific producers!

Pepper ‘Leutschauer Paprika’

Pepper Leutschauer Paprika

30” (85 days)  $5.95  Originally from Slovakia but grown in Hungary since the 1800’s, this one’s perfect for medium hot Paprika powder (think around Serrano level  heat). Homegrown paprika is much more complex and spicier than the store bought stuff…. Try it and you’ll never go back! Very prolific producer also.

Pepper Leutschauer Paprika 2

Pepper ‘Lesya’

28”ht- (75 days) ($5.95) Maybe the sweetest pepper ever! Very high yielding and got RAVE reviews from zone 5 gardeners (plus look at how gorgeous they are….can’t wait!). After trying her, I think she is tied for my favorite pepper with ‘Blot’….. she is all as described, a fabulous producer, very few seeds, and VERY sweet and crunchy! I love her!!!

Pepper ‘Lilac Bell’

Pepper Lilac Bell

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds

Pepper ‘Lipstick’

24″ ht (70 days) – ($5.95) This cutie produces 4” pimento-type peppers that are very sweet, very crunchy, and very productive! Early producer too!

Pepper ‘Lumbre’

Pepper Lumbre

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Bunny Hop Seeds

Pepper ‘Lunchbox’

Pepper Lunchbox Mix

24”ht (65 days)- ($5.95) VERY LIMITED! These are the little snacking peppers that everyone adores. The 2-3” fruits are red yellow and orange and crunchy and sweet!


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Pepper ‘Mahem’

Pepper Mahem #2 (my pic)

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

24″ ht. (75 days) – ($5.95) A HOT and very rare pepper originally from Togo, this one is PERFECT for pepper vinegar and pepper sauce! Great producer, and maaaahvelous in containers!

Pepper ‘Maule’s Red Hot’

Picture Pepper Maule's Red Hot (top) and Bulgarian Carrot (my pic)

24-30″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) This hot (how’d ya guess?!) pepper is a long (10”) twisted Cayenne that is great for drying for hot pepper flakes, or just putting lotsa flavor in your hot sauce. Around 30000-50000 Scovilles (too hot for me!); VERY limited!

Pepper ‘McMahon’s Red Bird’

(AKA Chiletepin or Bird’s Eye Pepper) 

30″ ht (90 days) – ($5.95) This heirloom was a gift to Thomas Jefferson in 1812 and is the official pepper of Texas (how’s that for trivia!) It produces 3/8” round green to red fruit that will knock your socks off at 80000 to 100000 Scoville’s (?hotter than a Habanero?!) WHEW…I think I’ll just grow it for the cute factor! Photo courtesy Totally Tomatoes.

Pepper ‘Melrose’

L- Melrose and Jilly. R- from customers Deb and John

24-30″ ht (?65 days?) – ($5.95) OK everyone that’s been asking me to grow it, here it is! A fantastic Italian heirloom frying pepper that bears 4” rich, sweet red peppers early and often! Great fried or fresh.

Pepper ‘Midnight Dreams Bell’

24″ ht (75 days) – ($5.95) Talk about a stunner both looks and taste-wise, this phenomenal sweet bell turns obsidian-black….talk about a visual pop in your salad! Tastes as great as they look too! Our photo!

Pepper ‘Minibell’

Pepper Mini Bell Mix (courtesy Baker Creek)

(68 days) – ($5.95) These wee sweet mini bells produce 2” fruits in a rainbow of red, yellow, and chocolatey purple. They are VERY prolific, sweet, crunchy, and adorable! Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Mira’

Pepper Mira

(AKA Chiletepin or Bird’s Eye Pepper)

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

24″ ht. (65 days) – ($5.95) I have grown her for a couple of years and keep forgetting to put her on my site! She is a VERY early Polish Heirloom that produces crunchy, sweet, bullet shaped peppers that start a cream color and mature to orange and then fire engine red! I REALLY love this one! Very Very productive!

Pepper ‘Mojo Blackie’

Pepper Mojo Blackie

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Bunny Hop Seeds

Pepper ‘Mojo Scoundrel’

Pepper Mojo Scoundrel

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Bunny Hop Seeds

Pepper ‘Murasaki Purple’

Pepper Murasaki Purple

30” (80 days)  $5.95   A Japanese Heirloom that is totally heatless, although the long slender peppers look like hot ones! Foliage and fruit is VERY ornamental. Best to leave pepper on until fully ripe when it turns red; very very sweet and tasty at that point! (Not nearly as tasty when a deep purple). After trying her, DEFINITELY wait until red to eat!

Pepper ‘Nokturn’

24”ht (75 days)- ($5.95) These beauties from Poland produce 3-4” crunchy sweet fruit that starts out green, turns to a dark obsidian, then ripens to fire engine red. VERY LIMITED!

Pepper ‘ Orange Sun’

(75 days) ($5.95) I ADORE colored Bell Peppers, and this glowing orange creature is simply mahhhhhhvelous!

Pepper Orange Sun from customer Jan

Photo courtesy of customer Jan.


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Pepper ‘Pale Rider’

Pepper Pale Rider

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Bunny Hop Seeds

Pepper ‘Paradiscum Alaku’

Pepper Paradicsum Alaku (courtesy Baker Creek)

24”ht (80 days)-($5.95) This Hungarian Heirloom produces little pumpkin shaped peppers that are sweet, crunchy and juicy. PERFECT for stuffing and fresh eating and a powerhouse producer! Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Pepperoncini Greek’

30”ht (60 days)-($5.95) Smaller and lighter in color than regular Pepperoncinis, these are Da Bomb for pickling!

Pepper pepperoncini

Photo courtesy of customer Jan.

Pepper ‘Pimento Ashe County’

Tomato Pimento Ashe County

Not Available in 2024


24” (52 days)   $5.95   A North Carolina Heirloom that is super duper sweet! Juicy, crunchy, and perfect for fresh eating, pickling, stuffing, roasting, and making pimento cheese. A compact plant and VERY early producer! If you have difficulties growing bell peppers, this one and Buran are maaahvelous substitutes!

Pepper pimento Ashe County and Lily

Pepper ‘Pippins Golden Honey’

24”ht (70 days)- ($5.95) These are an African American Heirloom from Philly…. a true rainbow of colors, starting out a dark purple, turning a sunshiny yellow, then a glowing orange. Sweet, ornamental and yummy! Highly recommended as they are VERY prolific and delish!

Pepper ‘Puma’

Pepper Puma

30″ ht. (80 days) – ($5.95) This is one HOT cat both visually and flavor-wise! These 2.3-3”peppers look like an artist painted them; foliage is black-tinged and stunning also. Beware, though, this cat BITES with Scovilles between 300,000-400,000—Habanero level!!! I will just enjoy mine visually, thank you very much!

Pepper ‘Purple Beauty’

24″ ht (75 days) – ($5.95) This yummy pepper produces small to medium crisp sweet bell peppers in abundance; an AWESOME color too!

Pepper ‘Quadrato Asti Giallo’

Pepper Quadrato D'Asti Giallo (courtesy Baker Creek)

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

(80 days) – ($5.95) A GIANT Italian Heirloom Bell pepper, it produces yellow, thick-walled, juicy and sweet peppers in abundance! Be sure to provide support as he produces TONS of giant peppers. Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Rattlesnake’

Pepper Rattlesnake

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Bunny Hop Seeds

Pepper ‘Red Belgian’

24”ht (60 days)- ($5.95) This prolific sweet pepper produces 3-4” elongated peppers that start out yellow and mature a deep red. Sweetest when red!

Pepper ‘Rewia’

Pepper Rewia from customer Judith

(80 days) ($5.95)  I have grown this outstanding Polish Bell Pepper for years but keep forgetting to put her on the site! I love her sweetness, crunchiness, productivity, and bright tangerine color. Photo courtesy of customer Judith.


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Pepper ‘Santa Fe Grande’ SORRY NOT AVAILABLE IN 2024

Pepper Santa Fe Granda (courtesy Baker Creek)

24″ ht. (80 days) – ($5.95) At 500-800 Scovilles, this spicy pepper is perfect for pickles and salsas. A perky, pretty productive pepper! Photo courtesy of Baker Creek.

Pepper ‘Serrano Tampequino’

36″ ht (75 days) – ($5.95) A hot chile perfect for salsas, it produces 2 ¼” fruit that matures to red. Photo courtesy Totally Tomatoes.

Pepper ‘Sheepnose Pimento’

New in 2024

Pepper ‘Sport’

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

(75 days) – ($5.95) I have had several customers request this one, so here it is! This is the quintessential pepper for Chicago hot dogs, and resembles a small Tabasco pepper (about 1 to 1 ½”). Heat is about 15,000 SHU (and sometimes hotter) and have to be pickled in order to taste like the peppers you put on your dog!

Pepper ‘Sugar Rush Peach’

Picture Pepper Sugar Rush Peach on plant (my pic)

30″ ht. (80 days) – ($5.95) Another one I keep forgetting to put on my site! I really enjoyed this pepper….it has both a sweet, fruity flavor which then gives way to a smokey, medium hot, slightly zingy flavor. Produces quickly and copiously and is ornamental to boot!

Pepper ‘Sweet Chocolate Bell’

24″ ht. (75 days) – ($5.95) This medium sized bell is PERFECT to grow in our area as she ripens early and produces lots! Very sweet and crisp, the inside flesh is a beautiful cherry red!

Pepper ‘Sweet Moruga’

Pepper Sweet Moruga

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds

Pepper ‘Sweet Pickle’

24″ ht (75 days) – ($5.95) This little darling bears UPRIGHT peppers (think bad hair day!) that are red, orange, purple, and yellow. They are 2” long and chunky and adorable….very sweet AND ornamental. Peter Piper for SURE would pick a peck of these pretties to pickle. After having tried this one for the first time in 2014 I think she is one of my most favorite peppers EVER! Crunchy, gorgeous, prolific and OUTSTANDING!!

Pepper ‘Takanotsume’ (Hawk’s Claw)

Picture Pepper Takanotsume on plant (my pic)

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

30″ ht.. (80 days) – ($5.95)  This Japanese pepper is so cool looking…. Has talon-shaped upward facing bright red long peppers with quite a bite….between 15000-30000. WAAAYYY too hot for me, I grow him cuz he looks so cool!

Pepper ‘Tangerine Dream’

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

24”ht (70 days)- ($5.95) A torpedo shaped, pumpkin orange pepper that is as sweet and tasty as she is pretty!

Pepper ‘Tennessee Cheese’

Pepper Tennessee Cheese

24”ht (70 days)- ($5.95) This apple shaped sweetie is perfect for stuffing, pickling, dried for paprika, or just fresh eating! Crunchy and delish and cute as a button!

Pepper ‘Thunder Mountain’

Pepper Thunder Mountain #2

Sorry, Not Available in 2023

30″ ht. (85 days) – ($5.95) This longhorn Chile pepper can produce peppers that get over one foot long! A cool, twisty red pepper with Scovilles ranging from 25000-40000. HOT and VERY ornamental!

Pepper ‘Topepo’

Picture Pepper Topepo (my pic)

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

18″ ht (80 days?) – ($5.95) This is a pimento-type Italian Heirloom that produces copious amounts of blood red, juicy, sweet and crisp round peppers. Perfect for fresh eating or stuffed!

Pepper ‘Violet Sparkles’

24″ ht (75 days) – ($5.95) A sweet cutie that has small torpedo-shaped lavender fruits that have streaks of yellow; a Russian Heirloom that eventually ripens red and is crunchy and yummy. These are pictures of our first fruit in 2015…..she sure is delish (and gorgeous!), crisp and VERY few seeds; she will DEFINITELY always have a place in my garden!

Pepper ‘White Lakes Bell’

Sorry, Not Available in 2024

24″ ht (70 days) – ($5.95) A Russian Heirloom that produces LOTS of pointed bells that start ivory colored and ripen to a screaming brilliant orange; an early producer and fantastic for our area!

Pepper ‘Wrinkled Old Man’

(AKA Japanese Shishitou)

24″ ht (80 days) – ($5.95) This Japanese favorite produces 3” shiny light green peppers (and tons of them!) that are normally crisp and mild flavored, although once in a while one will have quite a spicy kick! Perfect for tempura, shish-kebabs, or fried. A great (and easy) suggestion is to fry them in olive oil until they are slightly charred, season them with sea salt and then eat all but the stem! I’m drooling now!

Photo courtesy of customers Deb and John.

Pepper ‘Zulu’

Pepper Zulu

New in 2024

Photo courtesy of Baker Creek Seeds

Tomatoes | Peppers | Other Heirloom Veggies |  Lettuce | Herbs